Recent Comments

6/27/20, 11:05 PM
Interesting premise, can't wait for more!
6/27/20, 10:44 PM
Really glad to see more work from the Cornell, TX series! I was hyped to see new stories in that universe on Nifty and now there's a way we can have more here, too! Thanks for making it a community series!
6/27/20, 9:58 PM
It's always nice and rare to see black males enslaved and on top of that, a bottom. Thank you <3
6/27/20, 9:27 PM
god i love Eddie. Muscle Mary tfs are few and far between.
6/27/20, 8:36 PM
I've liked this series from the start, but you seem to have reached an extreme point here. I found it much more erotic when things were not quite so over the top. When the story was working things up to the humiliation and reluctant sexual exposure, it was at its more erotic (imho). So when new "victims" were brought into the story, I was hopeful (Cam, Jet), but there, too, you went from 0 to 100 immediately, and there was nowhere left to go. I hope you can figure out some way to sort of dial it back and write about some of the more "innocent"/gradual/humiliating elements without quite so much pain, stretching, and half-drowning in body fluids. Sorry if this sounds negative, but I loved the story so much at the beginning that I'm sorry it's moved past that early sexiness. Still a fan.
6/27/20, 8:30 PM
I only have mad love for Edlam and RobinHood70. You are truly the best and the site is lucky to have you both in it. I will always support y'all no matter what. This story was also pure fire and a great source of masturbatory fuel. A truly spectacular job.
6/27/20, 8:06 PM
this is so hot.
6/27/20, 7:56 PM
Very hot, especially the cigar element!
6/27/20, 7:35 PM
Thank you for listening to your reader’s feedback! I would like for you to re-write the final chapters. Some of these suggestions sound super hot!! Like making Michael a dog. Phil becoming an obedient slave who serves and worships every part of his master, his feet, his ass, his dick, etc. Just please don’t make him dress like a girl! Roger should keep both of his slaves as masculine as possible.