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9/24/21, 10:42 AM
Decided to create a profile here anyway. May put up some of my older stories or come up with new ones.

9/24/21, 12:30 PM
@singavoyeur This is the site's owner. If you contact me (you can click my name to get to my profile where you'll find several ways to contact me) we could discuss how to deal with this.

9/24/21, 2:32 PM
@Martin Hello, can advise on how I can delete the story or change the author to singavoyeur? Thanks

9/24/21, 7:25 PM
@bluegolddeuter it's ok. no big deal in my case.
9/24/21, 4:36 PM
more please more please more please 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Finish with just reading I want more you are my idol at the time of writing .. and you make my fetishes come true.
9/24/21, 4:24 PM
Thanks for writing this. But hey, please don't leave us hanging! I can't wait until the sons are fully under control!
May 7, 2017
9/24/21, 4:09 PM
more please more 🤤🤤🤤
9/20/21, 5:52 PM
kinda got pulled out of the fantasy with the weird racism "Not bad for an asian" bit fyi might wanna think about that

9/21/21, 2:43 PM
@Tfb Not really sure how it's racism. The average Asian penis size is smaller than that of a European or African, so it's a simple fact.

9/21/21, 2:54 PM
@Sandancer1 Super flawed anecdotal logic where a quick google search can show you the average length of 'sampled' dicks across continents varies within about 1cm to 2cm, for reference 1 inch is about 2.54cm. But go off I guess, it's a porn story and I wanted the author to be cognizant about dumb stereotypes for the future ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

9/24/21, 9:36 AM
@Tfb this story is actually mine. I wrote it more than 10 years ago and am Asian myself. I come from a generation where it is widely acknowledged that Asian's a generally smaller compared to Caucasians (and I'm sure there are similar comparisons btw White vs Blacks). I do admit recently though that the younger Asians now tend to have bigger dicks :)

9/24/21, 12:44 PM
@Tfb Where did you find a list of measured penis sizes by country? The ones I've found are all using self-reported or a mix.
9/24/21, 10:30 AM
hot story Robin! really flattered you based it off of mine 😄
9/24/21, 10:19 AM
[Link]( Here is the original. The last saved copy I have is dated 2008 though it's possible I wrote it earlier.
9/21/21, 3:22 AM
a lil confused about the clients goals. I get the motive but what did he want? To break up the couple? destroy Jason's life? have him for himself? otherwise nice story (though I second the above comment).

9/24/21, 10:02 AM
@BlondieBoy I was inspired to write this story based on a similar concept where the victim was a girl and the client was another girl in school. It was written over 10 (possibly 15-20) years ago and the original was something I read from assgm (not sure if you guys are old enough to remember). The client here is just a rich high school kid (though it should be junior college as this was set in Singapore where I'm from) who basically wants to get revenge on the popular dude who stole his girlfriend from him... when you are that young and possibly reckless, do you really need to have any clear motivation other than sick revenge? A bit over the top though to come up with this elaborate plan just for the sake of it but hey... as long as the deed is done why not? ;)
9/24/21, 8:47 AM
I would love to see another chapter to this where Sir re enters! would love to see these 4 serve their master.
9/24/21, 6:23 AM
i remember this story! any chance for a continuation?