Recent Comments

6/12/20, 6:57 AM
This almost read like a stream-of-conscious mess generated by an AI, especially the first half. I felt like there was a good idea in here, particularly in the final scene. But that good idea got totally buried by a lack of any interest in doing the work it takes to share and write this as a proper story -- one that others can read and enjoy. Sure, this submission has a lot of grammar and punctuation and spelling errors... but also, events just happen randomly and *don't make sense*. Why is a straight guy jacking off to women while also shoving a pink dildo up his ass? Why is there suddenly a hypnosis app on his phone that he uses to make some guy dominate him (but it never occurs to him to use it on the women he lusts after)? Why does an entire store of people just watch this public sex thing happen with no comment or reaction? This just didn't feel like a followable narrative -- meaning, it did not feel like something that had been crafted, and edited, and written with the enjoyment of other readers in mind. Personally, I can't help but interpret this submission as you being pretty lazy, and kinda disrespectful to the readers of this site. Not only didn't you bother to title this submission properly, or give it a real summary... you also managed to misspell your placeholder title. (If you submit something that you titled "Thing" because you couldn't think of a title for your "thing"... and you still manage to misspell the word "thing"... then it kinda makes it hard to give you the benefit of the doubt.)
6/12/20, 6:45 AM
Ok, I'm just gonna go out and say it: 100% the PREFECT set up for a Frat Boy TF!!! o_o This is fantastic. And I cannot wait to see what happens! Just my opinion, but the inclusion of scent when mixed with Jocks/Frat boys is what makes it killer! ^_^ Please, please keep going!! =D
6/12/20, 6:43 AM
Great start! Very well-written! Looking forward to reading more and seeing how the transformation occurs! Excellent job for a first story! I love frat bro transformations!
6/12/20, 6:32 AM
@Edlam, any updates on The Re-Educator? I know you got a lot of flack but there are still fans like me who support and love this story. I hope the comments didn't discourage you from continuing this series.
6/12/20, 5:49 AM
i want to read trucks side of the story too
6/12/20, 5:26 AM
Terrific work. Thanks for posting it.
6/12/20, 4:32 AM
Also, telling someone a truth doesn't extend past the game, unless its part of someone's truth, like saying that they will always believe what ever is told to them is the truth, no matter what it is, or what it might do or change. Other than that, do what you will!
Jun 11, 2020
6/12/20, 4:28 AM
I just tested it with an extended incest scenario. The pin function really helps keep it on track. And it seems like the longer you make the story, the more it adapts to your writing style and subject matter. Found myself rewriting and refreshing less as time went on. It's still a pretty even effort between you and the computer, though.
6/12/20, 3:26 AM
I need the next chapter asap!!! Can't wait to read it!