Recent Comments

6/28/19, 8:40 PM
Yes, yes, yes. More!
6/28/19, 8:38 PM
A very enjoyable read with lots of humor. Well done!
6/28/19, 8:07 PM
Cutlerfan, i was thinking maybe a Jay Cutler type bodybuilder (minus the brains of course), just muscle, good looks, and bravado... or maybe a foreign student from Italy or Brazil for some international flavor. What do you think?
6/28/19, 6:15 PM
I'm glad this had a happy ending. I hope the homophobes suffer horrific deaths.
6/28/19, 5:50 PM
Great work. i love how this felt like one of your classic stories, but still perfectly fit the world that Derek set up.
6/28/19, 5:22 PM
Hot story. I'm not a fan of the flag tat either but since he has Chinese letters and Maori tribal designs he isn't racist; I think. Trying to decide what the frat needs now.
6/28/19, 4:47 PM
Tbh, this is one of my favorite series. Also, does this mean the werewolves get to pull a fun crusade against the Converters?
6/28/19, 4:22 PM
Don't think I'll get a chance to write another chapter, but I did intentionally set up Calvin/Marty to be left smarter than the other guys as a thread that may pay off down the line, in case he decides to get hold of the raygun and remake the frat (or the world) to his liking. Also, unless I overlooked it, the narrator wasn't given a character name in the previous chapters. Someone might want to rectify that moving forward.
6/28/19, 4:19 PM
Marty and Calvin Klein....interesting choice in names doc. XD
6/28/19, 3:51 PM
Very well written, an excellent transformation story!!! Not about my particular fetishes but loved the slow detailed transformation. I just wished it was about bears, daddies and beards. But great work! If I was into skinheads I would have found this story extremely exciting. Keep writing!!!