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6/28/19, 12:53 AM
i can understand why you would find the Mississippi state flag to be problematic, but i specifically included the detail for a few reasons. First, I wanted the boys to turn into Southern country archetypes, kind of the epitome of their particular type, and it made sense that one of Beef's first tattoos would be the Stars and Bars or state flag or something similar placed without much thought to it offending anyone (in my imagination its on his pec right over his heart). Remember, these boys grew up playing football in the deep South, so they probably have more black friends than white, and blast both rap and country when they're driving their trucks. Beef would see it as a symbol of home, not a symbol of racial hate... The other reason I went full on Mississippi is that one of the main elements of this story is the dumbing down of the people being changed, so I imagined two farm boys, not smart to begin with, attending a failing rural school in a state which is dead last for education in most polls. Their only way out is their athletic ability, so you have a particular type of anti intellectual, almost a perfect storm of situational and hereditary lack of intelligence. So I guess I could have gone another direction, and may have been a bit lazy in using what i considered a type of shorthand to reinforce type, but it wasnt meant to be offensive. If I offended anyone, I apologize. That being said, thanks for reading, and thanks for the feedback!
6/28/19, 12:49 AM
Just wait for the next installments... as the series progresses things will get HOT!
6/28/19, 12:10 AM
Thanks for the explanation at the start of the story. **[Spoiler Alert]** I was getting ready to take Aaron out back for a whipping but Isaac took care of it. As soon as he said the word deviant I knew he was trying to change Blake. I'm glad he wasn't turned. It was a great read after Aaron was stopped. I sort of skimmed down hoping Aaron would be defeated and thankfully he was. Great story series. I hope Blake can rescue his turned friends with the help of his new Alpha.
6/28/19, 12:07 AM
Hmmmm... Got me thinking too. Love it.
6/27/19, 11:41 PM
Well, I was expecting more like him wanting those kind of guys to serve him but I see where is this going.
6/27/19, 11:28 PM
i like this, minus the tattoo of the Mississippi flag (why is that flag allowed to be a thing?!) There's a nice that they go from vegans to being named after meats. not everything is my jam, but it's well written and fits the story so far.
6/27/19, 11:18 PM
Great story, hope this is the start of a series.
6/27/19, 11:06 PM
Good. Lets defeat tha group turning gays into straights. Love the werewolf action here. Also like the sex. Nice story.
6/27/19, 11:03 PM
Thanks for the original idea , Broski... it sort of wrote itself. Looking forward to more guys finding their way to the frat
Lusty Stallion
6/27/19, 10:58 PM
Wow - I love all your stories Derek & cant wait for more. muscle bros with some smarts are my bag! thanks