Curated List

Porn WITH Plot


last change on September 10, 2023

Some of my favourite story-driven erotica on the archive.
What if inducing mass horniness was a strategy for bringing a demon into the world?
Ryan's brief encounter with the occult leaves him cursed. Or is it gifted?
I don't love werewolves. This story made me fall in love with Dace's version of the classic hairy beast <3
Incredibly rich and interesting lore!
Viraj Sandhu just wants to research his thesis. And also get fucked. Luckily (or not) for him, a mystical artifact etched into his skin will help him make sure that one will invariably lead to the other way more than he ever intended.
Incredibly hot sexual use on a prison spaceship. Introduces some wonderful language and lore.
White collar crime is no big deal. That's what Phil thinks when he is caught and sentenced to a year on an off-world prison ship. He expects a minimum-security prison and light duties. Phil thinks he'll be back before he knows it but in truth he'll be tested, used and transformed in ways that the average person can't imagine, made useful to his captors. And he won't be the same after that year.
A really excellent "clueless narrator" story that just gets hotter and hotter.
Super-straight dude Charley gets abducted by a bunch of human-loving alien hunks. The beefy space bros keep telling him that humans are all naturally obsessed with sculpted muscles and huge dicks, but that’s crazy talk. So what if Charley occasionally slips away to jerk off to the thought of servicing giant alien dicks? That’s totally normal, right?
Just a truly wonderful, hot mass enslavement scifi chair story.
Nutiper manages to blend extremely hot premises with hilarious ones. Such a wonderful sense of humour!