This is an R rated site. If you are not 18 or older, do not enter.
Are you over 18 years of age?
Unpublished Stories
Some of your stories are still waiting to get published or approved.
Adding images to your story
Add images to illustrate your story visually. Click or touch an image in the story to zoom it to full size.
To insert an image at the current cursor position in the story, click the editor's image button.
You can either link to an image on the web or upload images to our server.
Uploading images
Press the upload button or drag and drop file(s) into the dialog.
Images are rescaled and compressed to save server space. The storage budget for all images is 2 MB (~ 10-20 images). Sponsors are granted a much larger budget.
Linking web images
Linked images don't count against your storage budget. However, images on the web may be taken down anytime.
Paste the link into the 'Image URL' field. Only direct links to image files work, a preview will show up in the dialog for correctly linked images.
Rules for images used
Nudity, sex and even porn is fine
All persons shown have to appear 18 or older
No violence, no injuring persons or animals
Select & upload image
Upload Images
Uploading images to our server to be used in your stories is only possible if you're registered and logged in!
Link to Image
Invalid Image URL!
Formatting Stories
It is important that your story is formatted properly and to use many paragraph breaks!
A person's speech is usually put into its own paragraph. No paragraph should contain more than 5-10 lines of text! A wall of texts without paragraphs will be denied!
To add a paragraph break, you have to add an empty line between them.
Additional formatting
Add a horizontal line to separate sections. Embed an image at the current cursor position. Add a link to another webpage at the current cursor position.
Use the other buttons on the editor toolbar to use bold, italic, underline and other text styles. The preview on the right side shows the effect of your formatting right away.
This Markdown cheat sheet gives an overview of the most common advanced syntax elements (some of the features, like 'tables' or 'code blocks', are disabled intentionally).
You are not logged on!
You're currently not logged on, so you can only access the forum anonymously!
If you have an account, please log on first and then click on 'Forum' again to access the forum with your account.
You can use the forum without logging in. But then you can only read existing postings, you won't be able to post anything yourself.