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Author Title Words Published
Fledgling mad scientist Frank has had enough of his assistant (and roomate) Igor dodging his duties. He'll have his revenge, though, as the serum he developed to create obedient servants will surely make Igor the best assistant a mad scientist could ask for! And surely Frank will not mess up and drink the serum himself.
Dale's having trouble sleeping one night, all his worries in life seeming overwhelming. Having tried everything else he decides to try counting sheep.
Friends Aaron and Ben get lost in an old sweets factory while trying to find a halloween party, but luckily for them they find a treat instead! And when Ben dares Aaron to eat it, they might find there are many more treats to be had.
Evan's been thinking about leaving his RPG group, but their GM, Dylan, convinves him to play one more session of a special game, where players gain titles and roleplay accordingly, but is it really just roleplay? If it is, how is he roleplaying his cock hard?