Recent Comments

3/15/20, 1:35 PM
more is a real hot story!
3/15/20, 11:37 AM
Love the direction this is going in! Can't wait for the next chapter
3/15/20, 10:21 AM
i love that the protagonist's friend was affected and tried assimilating the protagonist. i don't see where it goes from here but a nice set-up making me interested to the next chapter. thank!!
3/15/20, 8:04 AM
Fantastic series! incredibly hot!
3/15/20, 5:21 AM
i'd like to see more self-aware goofy stories like this and Hey Why Are You Asking Me Questions. fun to see stories just kind of have their tongue in cheek so much
3/15/20, 5:09 AM
Excellent story you have here, would be nice for Mike to want to be Pines slave full time.
3/15/20, 3:27 AM
literally the hottest description of eating ass I have ever read
3/15/20, 1:57 AM
This story felt more sad than hot to me. Blake being so upset about the transformation of his friends really took me out of it, unfortunately. They were just trying to support him.
3/15/20, 1:54 AM
Awesome!! Relfex VR and AR could be on the pipeline. The manufacturer must have had an amazing product development guy and engineers ;) I really like you spent enough time to write a series of detailed descriptions of devices (and VIC) as real characters, which giving nice touch to the entire story.
3/15/20, 1:34 AM
This story was so fun and creative. I love the whole game scene as well too